nanogui: Panel

Previous by date: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Re: [bug fix?] Compile for ARM with JPEG support, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Re: X v.s. Nano-X in embedded systems, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Panel, Agarwal
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Subject: Re: Panel
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000
Message-Id: <060e01bfb9eb$bdfa16c0$>

:     Is it possible to draw a window with no "titlebar" using nanox or
: microwindows directly, or one of the toolkits(fltk, gtk+...)? I'd like to
: make some kind of general "shortcut bar", like, say, the GNOME or KDE
: panels. Sounds possible? Thanks!

Nano-X doesn't currently draw anything except for single line borders,
and that will work for your needs.  Microwindows win32 api will draw
a caption if WS_CAPTION is set in the dwStyle parm for CreateWindowEx.
Using WS_BORDER will cause a single line border to be drawn.  0 will
draw no border.

We are bringing up the fltk and gtk+/gdk toolkits and they will work
according to their own documentation.



Previous by date: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Re: [bug fix?] Compile for ARM with JPEG support, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Re: X v.s. Nano-X in embedded systems, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 9 May 2000 19:19:20 -0000 Panel, Agarwal
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