nanogui: Kaffe and MWin

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Subject: Re: Kaffe and MWin
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 15 May 2000 21:19:20 -0000
Message-Id: <057101bfbeb3$86e6f690$>

: I'm sorry to say that I must stop the Kaffe port due to a lack of time.
: If someone will take the port back, I'll be happy to give some tips.

I've got your sources with the partial Microwindows port, and plan
to move it forward; I'm also a little short on time lately and haven't had
much time to do anything.  My biggest problem with the Kaffe
port was getting all the environment variables set properly to run
the sample programs.  I don't think I ever succeeded in that, actually.



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