nanogui: Linux on the Helio PDA

Previous by date: 16 May 2000 01:20:59 -0000 Re: Kaffe and MWin, Greg Haerr
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Subject: Linux on the Helio PDA
From: "Larry Stone" ####@####.####
Date: 16 May 2000 01:20:59 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I represent VTech Information, manufacturer of the VTech Helio Personal
Digital Assistant.  We use a 75 Mhz. MIPS processor chip. We are currently
working on the project of porting the LInux OS over to our PDA.  We are
currently getting assistance from a person very knowledgable on the subject,
Jay Carlson, but he will be unable to commit his time into the future.  In
order to continue the project we would like to contact other people that
have the capablilty and desire to work on this project.  Please let me know
if you or anyone you know would be interested.


Larry Stone
VP / US General Manager
VTech Information, LLC


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Previous by date: 16 May 2000 01:20:59 -0000 Re: Kaffe and MWin, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 16 May 2000 01:20:59 -0000 [Nano-X] A program for perfomance measure, Murphy Chen
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Next in thread: 16 May 2000 01:20:59 -0000 Re: Linux on the Helio PDA, Erik Andersen

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