nanogui: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced

Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Alan Cox
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys

Subject: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced
From: Alan Cox ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

> Also, the GTK+ folks have not been very responsive nor interested
> in working with the Microwindows project, and we wanted to have

I dont think they understand it either. Talking to someone who is working
on gtk raw framebuffer and finding out he didnt even know most pda screens
were portrait mode wasnt promising


Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Alan Cox
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:00:56 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys

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