nanogui: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced

Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr

Subject: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced
From: Warner Losh ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000
Message-Id: <>

In message ####@####.#### Jim Gettys writes:
: So I expect by using X we can have our cake and eat it too (and not have
: to build another window system (thank you, one was enough for me...).
: Putting X on a diet turns out to be alot less work.

Putting X on a diet will also have beenfits for some desktop machines
that have simple frame buffers as well.  There are many uses of X in
the embedded world that would benefit from a smaller server and
smaller X lib.


Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jim Gettys
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 17:24:43 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr

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