nanogui: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced

Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr

Subject: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced
From: Keith Packard ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000
Message-Id: <>

> BTW, does the 600k include support for fonts, or are other X utilities
> required?  What is the total size of the minimal system, one that includes
> the X server, as well as all required X11R6/bin/* utilities?  It is my
> understanding that many of these utilities are required on any
> installation.

There are no required utilities from the bin directory; and this X server 
has a dozen or so fonts built right into the executable as well as having 
support for reading bitmap fonts or contacting an external font server.

I believe we'll have a complete X system well under 1meg.  I've got 
additional ideas about shrinking the server even further; perhaps another 
100k or so.  If we eliminate unused rendering garbage from the server, 
we'll trim another 100k (scary, isn't it...).  That would make the server
not conform to the spec, but there are no widelines in a modern UI.

####@####.####		XFree86 Core Team	SuSE, Inc.

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Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr
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Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 18:51:26 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Greg Haerr

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