nanogui: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced

Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Warner Losh
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Warner Losh

Subject: Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000
Message-Id: <02c001bff022$d86b05b0$>

: There are no required utilities from the bin directory; and this X server
: has a dozen or so fonts built right into the executable as well as having
: support for reading bitmap fonts or contacting an external font server.

That's quite cool.  Are the included fonts easily configurable?  I assume
they're requested using the standard X font naming scheme.

: I believe we'll have a complete X system well under 1meg.  I've got
: additional ideas about shrinking the server even further; perhaps another
: 100k or so.  If we eliminate unused rendering garbage from the server,
: we'll trim another 100k (scary, isn't it...).  That would make the server
: not conform to the spec, but there are no widelines in a modern UI.

Complete under 1MB including Xlib?  How big is Xlib now?

I think it would be nice to keep 100% conformance at first; otherwise
the desire for other windowing systems grows and we're not really
talking about 100% X anymore.  The biggest benefit of X is that
a huge bunch of already written programs run.



Previous by date: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Next by date: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Warner Losh
Previous in thread: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Next in thread: 17 Jul 2000 19:10:29 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Warner Losh

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