nanogui: Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced

Previous by date: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
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Previous in thread: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Alan Cox
Next in thread: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jeff Hildebrand

Subject: Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced
From: Martin Jones ####@####.####
Date: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Roberto Alsina wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Greg Haerr wrote:
> > So I created one.  With MontaVista and my company Century
> > Software's backing, we've created a first release v0.1.  We
> > evaluated most all open source HTML display widgets looking
> > foremost for high-quality HTML display, and secondly, being
> > somewhat small and well written.  We came up with KDE's kfm
> > widget as the best choice.  It is extremely well written, but expects
> > the Qt widget set underneath.  Qt is too large.  We wrote a thin
> > glue layer that translates Qt calls into FLTK calls (both toolkits
> > are written in C++).  FLTK was chosen because it is quite small,
> > and most importantly runs on both X and Microwindows (we're
> > using the Nano-X multiple client/server API).  We then wrote
> > a very thin user interface (this needs more work) that allows
> > a user to operate the display engine, essentially.
> Argh. You just tied yourself to code that will have no development
> whatsoever in the future. Why not use KDE2's widget? It's much better.

As the primary developer of the old khtmlw I have watched with
some bewilderment as developers chose to port this instead of
the new widget.  The old widget cannot be easily adapted to
support CSS, DOM, XML (or other buzz words).  Its javascript
support is hopeless and will probably remain that way.  It
knows nothing of java.  No one seems interested in adding any
of this functionality either.

khtmlw is smaller than KDE 2's widget, but the number of sites
that khtmlw copes with is decreasing and this will only get worse.

The new widget supports most current technologies and is
actively maintained.  It is nearing production quality now and
handles far more sites than khtmlw.  A lot more people will
benefit from additional developers working on the KDE 2 widget

BTW: You are referring to Qt/X11 above.  Qt/Embedded is not
     only smaller (2Mb total), it also eliminates the overhead
     of the X server and Xlib.

Martin R. Jones
(not speaking for trolltech)

Previous by date: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [Handhelds] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Keith Packard
Next by date: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 microwindows for StrongARM- mouse support, Muthian Sivathanu
Previous in thread: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Alan Cox
Next in thread: 18 Jul 2000 01:11:13 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Small open source web browser introduced, Jeff Hildebrand

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