nanogui: Re: Question..

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Subject: Re: Question..
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 9 Aug 2000 17:52:37 -0000
Message-Id: <036e01c0022b$0f10c360$>

You're kernel isn't configured for framebuffer.  Either
build the X11 version (select the X11 screen driver), or
rebuild your kernel for framebuffer support.  (see INSTALL
for more info)

  I have a question
  I installed microwindows-0.88pre10.tar.gz  on linux

  1.make xconfig
  2.make clean; make
  3.make install

  and I executed microwind/src/bin/demo
  but   "cannot open graphics"  is printed 

  How can I execut test program 
  would answer me Please!..

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Next by date: 9 Aug 2000 17:52:37 -0000 Re: help., Greg Haerr
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