nanogui: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines)

Previous by date: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Greg Haerr
Next by date: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Support for on-screen keyboard, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden

Subject: RE: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines)
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Date: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000
Message-Id: <>

> Okay, this still leaves masking.  We could add a mask parameter, I
> suppose:
> /* Copy a block of pixels from (SX,SY)-(SX+W,SY+H) in SRC to
>    (DX,DY)+(DX+W,DY+H) in DEST, applying raster operation ROP.  DST
>    and SRC may be bitmaps created with bogl_create_bitmap(), or they
>    may be null pointers, representing the screen image.  If MASK is
>    non-null, then it must be a 1-bit-depth mask of size (W,H)
>    specifying which pixels in SRC should be copied.  Each row in MASK
>    must be padded on the right to a 32-bit multiple in size. */
> void bogl_bitblt (struct bogl_bitmap *dst, int dx, int dy,
>                   struct bogl_bitmap *src, int sx, int sy,
>                   int w, int h, int rop, void *mask);
> Already I'm saying ``Ugh'' to myself when I think about actually
> implementing this.  Do we need even more than that?

If it makes you feel any better, the Win32 bitblt function takes *nine* parameters:

	BitBlt(hdcDest, xDest, yDest, wDest, hDest, hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, dwOpcode);

the hdc parms are handles to device context's, which are either the screen or a
selected off-screen (memory) bitmap.

You're actually on the right track...


Previous by date: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Greg Haerr
Next by date: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Support for on-screen keyboard, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 18 May 1999 02:23:49 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden

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