nanogui: Re: What needs doing on Nano-X: harsh comments

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Subject: RE: What needs doing on Nano-X: harsh comments
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 18 May 1999 12:29:51 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.04.9905181254290.384-100000@hyperspace>

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:
> 	Geez, bit-rot?  Let's see, I've been working contributing like
> hell to this project and now it's rotting?  When I started working on

I'm sorry that you seem to have taken my comments as a personal insult; I
didn't mean it that way at all. I would define bit-rot as good code which
has become broken because it hasn't been updated when things change around
it. There seem to be several areas in Nano-X which have been affected by
this because you've been working so fast at implementing new things.

> this project, two weeks and 75 hours ago, v0.1 didn't run any mini-x
> programs.  The entire purpose of all my work has been to get nanoX running,

I knew that when I released it, I was just too busy to do anything about
it. I have some more time to spare now, so I'll be taking a more active
role (including carefully examining and testing patches before I include

> In the mean time, I thought I caught nanoGui's stated mission, that what
> we were after was a small graphics windowing system that could be used
> for a *variety* of uses, not just running on linux.

Actually, I wasn't bothered about that at all myself. Where did I state
that? I think it would be great if it could be ported to non-Linux
platforms, as long as it doesn't suffer in general as a result.

> A single "typedef SCREENINFO GR_SCREEN_INFO;" is all that's needed
> to completely solve all this, and that was to be coming, except now

The point was that I don't see any reason to move away from mini-x's
naming convention of prefixing names with the layer that they belong to.

> I'm really glad you found some more mini-x programs that we can run.  I'm happy
> to get them running.  I didn't realize we need to get them running without
> any modifications to them, even at v0.4.  

I never said that we did.

> 	Give me one day and I'll fix it up so you like it.  This makes
> it harder during development to see what's changed and thus control bugs, though.

I don't see why. You mean you prefer to write code in a different style to
what is already there so that you can see that it is new?

> 	I thought the idea of doing a quick real-mode port of nanoX to
> a 16-bit compiler served the community well.  There are many folks on the ELKS
> list that would like to see this project run on ELKS.  I found it quicker
> to write all the 16-bit code on DOS, which also runs in real mode.  Do we
> really care about filenames or are we trying to build a graphics engine that
> runs on multiple platforms?  I pick the multiple platforms.  BTW, I hate
> 8.3 filenames also.  

I only said that I didn't like the fact that the filenames aren't very
descriptive, not that I thought doing a 16 bit port was bad. It's very
easily fixed (either by writing descriptive names which have at least 8
unique characters on the front, or by splitting things into directories
like I mentioned earlier, which is probably a good idea anyway).

> Sorry about the tone of this email, Alex, but my efforts haven't been called bit-rot
> in quite a while, and I'm just not used to it.

I think you just misunderstood what I meant by it.

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- --------------------

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