nanogui: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5

Previous by date: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden
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Previous in thread: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden
Next in thread: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden

Subject: RE: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Date: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000
Message-Id: <>

> > Is there any point having colour cursors? I don't think I have ever seen X
> > or 'doze produce a colour mouse pointer.
> At least in the case of X, that is because X uses X bitmaps for pointers,
> and X bitmaps are mono only, so X doesn't _support_ colour mouse 
> pointers... Don't know about Windows though - I only rarely touch Windows
> machines :)

	There isn't much point, other than user fascination with bells and whistles.
Monocrhome bitmaps (the same as those used by nano-X) can be drawn with
different foreground and bg colors.  This is the new algorithm that is used for all bitmap
draws, including cursors in v0.5, thus color cursors for free.  The bogl driver assumed
a fixed palette, which won't work if we ever want to display pictures, and ignored
the currently set fg and bg colors.  In addition,  a very similar routine needed to
be written for regular bitmap drawing....

BTW, Windows supports not only full color cursors, but also animated ones as well.

It's little gizmos like this that can add considerable customer zeal to a product.  On
small LCD machines, for instance, the mouse cursor can be told to "slide" along the
screen leaving a faint memory.  This allows users to spot the mouse quicker when
there's only two colors.


Previous by date: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden
Next by date: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden
Next in thread: 18 May 1999 23:13:12 -0000 Re: Bogl changes & Nano-X-0.5, Alex Holden

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