nanogui: mouse not working...

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Subject: Re: mouse not working...
From: Gary James ####@####.####
Date: 14 Sep 2000 01:33:23 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Thank you Scott,

I missed the XF86Config part, I look forward to trying this tonight.


Scott Scriven wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Greg Haerr wrote:
> > : > Does anybody have any secrets to getting "gpm -R" working nicely with
> > : > X.
> >
> > At this point, I always run "gpm -k" to kill gpm before ALT-Fn switching
> > to X, and then running "" (gpm -R -t ps2) when returning...
> I got the mouse working nicely with both X11 and MW.  Here's my
> notes on it:  (I used Yellow Dog Linux -- other systems will have
> files in different places...)
> [-] How to get the mouse working in MicroWindows, X11, and the console
>     #  MicroWindows requires console mouse input to come from /dev/gpmdata
>    [-] So, we need to tell gpm to run in "repeater" mode:
>        #  Open /etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm
>        #  Find this line:
>             daemon gpm -t $MOUSETYPE
>        #  Change it to this:
>             daemon gpm -t $MOUSETYPE -R
>       [-] Restart gpm:
>           #  /etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm stop
>              /etc/rc.d/init.d/gpm start
>    [-] Then we need to configure X11 to use gpm
>        #  Open /etc/X11/XF86Config
>        #  Find the Section "Pointer"
>        #  Change the Protocol to "MouseSystems"
>        #  Change the Device to "/dev/gpmdata"
> After restarting X11, the mouse should be much more friendly.  :)
> --
> Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.
>  Yellow Dog Linux
>  "The Ultimate Companion for a Dedicated Server"
>  Black Lab Linux
>  Advanced Workstations, Parallel, and Embedded Solutions
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Gary A James, Critical Link, LLC         
Voice:  315.425.4045 x218  
Fax:    315.425.4048    
E-Mail: ####@####.####

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