nanogui: custom calls to driver

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Subject: Re: custom calls to driver
From: "Greg's email" ####@####.####
Date: 20 Oct 2000 20:13:02 -0000
Message-Id: <024201c03ad2$98963d60$8900a8c0@applieddata>

> > The linux driver allows multiple opens and so the mw app could reopen
> > device and call ioctl()'s. However, the device also allows multiple
> > surfaces. Mw will not be the only thing running against this driver, and

I'm not following "drawing surface."  You mean screens?  Or logical
screens?  Or do you mean off-screens?

Also, if the client is linked with server, we could extend GR_SCREEN_INFO
to return the /dev/fbX file descriptor.  For client apps, we might want
to allow the /dev/fbX fd to be a shared file descriptor.  Otherwise,
I like Alex's idea of a second /dev/fbX open and then the client
doing it's own ioctl's.  If the clients need to be synchronized, then we
could add a client API that would stuff ioctl's...



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