nanogui: rzsz working partially on VTech Helio

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Subject: rzsz working partially on VTech Helio
From: "CCYau" ####@####.####
Date: 21 Oct 2000 10:34:27 -0000
Message-Id: <001201c03baf$7f53fc60$706f68ca@server>

Dear folks,
    The rz sz utility from  was partially working with VTech Helio with very few modifications.
    1) makefile: change the cc to mipsel-linux-gcc and size to mipsel-linux-size under the posix.
    2) modify the file rz.c, line 331 to mode(3).
    3) modify the file rbsb.c, in the procedure inittty(), mask out the Tty lines and only assign the Tty to /dev/ttyS0. Tty = open(Nametty = "/dev/ttyS0",2);
    4) make posix
    5) the binary file rz and sz can download to Helio. I'm using minicom to act as serial console to the Helio. On minicom, I can sz any file from VTech helio with rz in minicom. If I change /mnt on VTech Helio, I can upload a file from Host minicom to Helio.
    There is still not reliable and always TIMEOUT, and the transfer speed was very low.
    I hopes I can fix these out  so we can have one useful utility on the VTech Helio development. If anyone has any idea, I will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks for your attention.

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