nanogui: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines)

Previous by date: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Ben Pfaff
Next by date: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Ben Pfaff
Next in thread: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden

Subject: Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines)
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.04.9905201404050.847-100000@hyperspace>

On 20 May 1999, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>    How close are the variable bit width drivers to being usable (I'm assuming
>    they're the bogl-tcfb and bogl-pcfb drivers)?
> They don't work now?  I haven't tested them (they're by ####@####.####
> not me), but I can now that I have matroxfb set up on my main machine.

I hadn't tried them yet; I somehow got the idea that they were a work in
progress. I'll have a go with them this afternoon.

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- --------------------

Previous by date: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Ben Pfaff
Next by date: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Ben Pfaff
Next in thread: 20 May 1999 13:16:15 -0000 Re: Bitblt proposal (was: Re: bogl routines), Alex Holden

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