nanogui: GTK+ port to nano-X

Previous by date: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: Is the nano-x development dead?, Jordan Crouse
Next by date: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Jordan Crouse
Next in thread: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Alex Holden

Subject: Re: GTK+ port to nano-X
From: "Gary James" ####@####.####
Date: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000
Message-Id: <3B03B17C.18641.666BC8@localhost>

> >
> > Jordan, Amit: You guys were tlking about putting together a GUI builder for
> > TinyWidgets a few weeks back. I thought about recomending that you look at
> > Glade as a starting point. If Alan is right about other people porting new
> > widget sets to it now then you really ought to take a look at it. It may be
> > very easy to add TinyWidgets layout modules to.
> >
> Thats actually a really good idea.  It would probably be better than starting 
> for scratch. Dspite the fact that TinyWidgets has tndesigner, I thought it 
> would be a good idea to get a GTK+ (and even win32) app that your normal 
> designer on the street could run on his desktop and produce source code 
> without even installing Microwindows, but maybe Glade is a better starting 
> point.

It's been about two years since I looked at Glade, but when I left 
they had a C code generator that was a little sketchy. It didn't do 
so well at preserving your code when you changed the layout. About 
that same time a lot of work was going into building a library 
libGlade (?) that would read the Glade layout files (XML format) at 
runtime to generate the windows on the fly.

Gary James

Gary A James, Critical Link, LLC         
Voice:  315.425.4045 x218  
Fax:    315.425.4048    
E-Mail: ####@####.####

Previous by date: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: Is the nano-x development dead?, Jordan Crouse
Next by date: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Jordan Crouse
Next in thread: 17 May 2001 15:10:23 -0000 Re: GTK+ port to nano-X, Alex Holden

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