nanogui: Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel

Previous by date: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: Microwindows/NanoX License Question, Alan Cox
Next by date: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Neuer, David
Previous in thread: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Hicks, Jamey
Next in thread: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Neuer, David

Subject: Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel
From: Jordan Crouse ####@####.####
Date: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000
Message-Id: <01052312435002.15196@cosmic>

Microwindows should run as is with no problems as long as the framebuffer 
driver is operational.  

is the monochrome display the same depth as the color (3-3-2)?

 On Wednesday 23 May 2001 11:58, Sridharan Subramanian mentioned:
> Hi,
> Has anybody got Linux Handhelds kernel working on the mono ipaqs (3150).
> Also what about microwindows?
> I have got it running on the ipaq but no display. It just comes up with
> some black lines on the lcd.
> Anyhelp would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sri.
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Previous by date: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: Microwindows/NanoX License Question, Alan Cox
Next by date: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Neuer, David
Previous in thread: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Hicks, Jamey
Next in thread: 23 May 2001 18:44:58 -0000 Re: [iPAQ] Microwindows on mono ipaq with HH kernel, Neuer, David

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