nanogui: Documentation

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Documentation
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 29 Jun 2001 15:40:58 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.10.10106291630490.6207-100000@linuxhacker>

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, David Douthitt wrote:
> * Will rxvt (and other X programs) work with nano-X?

No. Nano-X isn't compatible with X, only similar.

> * Do I have to recompile everything?


> * What libraries do I need to run with nano-X programs?

libnano-X.a is the nano-X client library.

> * Do I need special programs to use nano-X?

Define "special" in this context.

> * Can I just recompile X programs to make them run under nano-X?


> * Is nano-X a static library or dynamic library?  Or are both available?

Theoretically you can use either. In practice I think there may be some
bugs which prevent shared libraries from working.

> * How much space does it take up?

Depends greatly on which features you configure in.

> * How do I configure X programs to use nano-X?

You don't.

> * How does it compare with tinyX?  What are its benefits over tinyX?

Smaller and better suited to embedded systems. On the other hand, tinyX is
mostly X compatible.

> * Where are the applications?  Where's the application archive?

Quite a few of them are in the demos/ directory of the source
distribution. Most FLTK applications can be ported using FLNX. There is a
browser called ViewML and also a port of Mozilla. I think there is a JVM
implementation somewhere.

> * What are the steps for adding nano-X and applications to a
> distribution?

Er, copy the programs to the filesystem? Not sure if I fully understand
your question there.

> * What do I need to run a nano-X application?

A computer running one of the supported operating systems (typically Linux
in framebuffer graphics mode), with the Nano-X server (and probably the
window manager too).

> * What network ports does it use and what protocols?

None (it uses a named socket, /tmp/.nano-X) and what I suppose you could
call the nano-X protocol.

> * How do I configure nano-X at run-time?

Configure in what way? You can't add and remove features at run time.

> Most of these are "usage" type questions; most of the documentation
> seems to assume that the reader is a program developer, not a
> distribution integrator, and not a end-user.


> Some of these questions I might be able to answer myself now; however, I
> can imagine new users asking these questions.

Most of the users so far are also developers, and when we do start getting
large numbers of users, I suspect most of them will be using them from the
perspective of "a black box with a display" and couldn't care less what
windowing system it runs.

> If I missed the documentation that has these questions answered, let me
> know.

Did you try the mailing list archive search engine?

------- Alex Holden -------

Previous by date: 29 Jun 2001 15:40:58 -0000 Re: Compiling nano-X (SVGAlib) under Linux Mandrake 8, David Douthitt
Next by date: 29 Jun 2001 15:40:58 -0000 Re: Documentation, Julian Smart
Previous in thread: 29 Jun 2001 15:40:58 -0000 Documentation, David Douthitt
Next in thread: 29 Jun 2001 15:40:58 -0000 Re: Documentation, Julian Smart

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