nanogui: Documentation

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Documentation
From: David Douthitt ####@####.####
Date: 29 Jun 2001 16:18:55 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Thanks for the quick reply!

Alex Holden wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, David Douthitt wrote:
> > * Will rxvt (and other X programs) work with nano-X?
> No. Nano-X isn't compatible with X, only similar.

This is an important distinction.

> > * Do I need special programs to use nano-X?
> Define "special" in this context.

Programs specifically designed to run under nano-X - programs created
specifically for nano-X.  A great benefit is lost when you can't use
off-the-shelf X applications under nano-X.

> > * Where are the applications?  Where's the application archive?
> Quite a few of them are in the demos/ directory of the source
> distribution. Most FLTK applications can be ported using FLNX. There is a
> browser called ViewML and also a port of Mozilla. I think there is a JVM
> implementation somewhere.

I not at all familiar with X development; perhaps some of my questions
will almost sound like newbie questions, but... what's FLTK?  I seem to
remember "F... L... Tool Kit" but I dunno.  Also, what's FLNX?

> > * What are the steps for adding nano-X and applications to a
> > distribution?
> Er, copy the programs to the filesystem? Not sure if I fully understand
> your question there.

I think I know (partially) the answer:

1. Copy any dynamic libraries to /lib.
2. Run ldconfig
3. Copy nano-X (or whatever the X server widget is) to your path.
4. Copy nanowm (?) to your path.
5. Copy any applications to your path.

Another question (and answer?):

Q. How do I start nano-X?

A. With a shell script like the following:

nano-X &
nanowm &
nanoxterm &

> > * What do I need to run a nano-X application?
> A computer running one of the supported operating systems (typically Linux
> in framebuffer graphics mode), with the Nano-X server (and probably the
> window manager too).

Since you mentioned it... what's the advantage of frame buffers over

From where I sit, the advantage of SVGAlib is that it can be removed if
someone doesn't want it - but then, can framebuffer support be used as a

> > * How do I configure nano-X at run-time?
> Configure in what way? You can't add and remove features at run time.

Things like the following come to mind:

* using some window managers, you can specify what "Xterm" really runs -
is it xterm, rxvt, aterm, or eterm?  This is often used to determine
which terminal program to use to open the initial terminal window.

* Applications: xterm, rxvt, etc. - specify things like colors, etc.

> > Some of these questions I might be able to answer myself now; however, I
> > can imagine new users asking these questions.
> Most of the users so far are also developers, and when we do start getting
> large numbers of users, I suspect most of them will be using them from the
> perspective of "a black box with a display" and couldn't care less what
> windowing system it runs.

I'm not a "end-user" which just wants to run things; I'm a
programmer/Linux distribution-maker who doesn't want to know about APIs
and function calls; I just want to package it up some users of my
distribution can use it without too much trouble, and add applications
and/or documentation as necessary.  Here are the questions (as a
prospective user) which I would have (some have been answered):

Q. Can I use existing X applications?
A. No.

Q. What applications are available?
A. ?

Q. Can I use existing X window managers?
A. No (?)

Q. How do I use the Nano-X window manager?
A. ?

Q. Can I run Windows applications under Linux by using microwin?
A. No (?) ...I suspect there is a lot more to the story than just the
Windows API...

Q. How do I start nano-X?
A. ?

Q. Are there RPMs or other binary packages available?
A. No (?)

Q. What hardware does it run on?
A. ?

Q. Does it allow remote sessions?
A. No (?)

Q. What files do I need to install on my path to run nanoX?
A. ?

Q. What directories need to exist to run nanoX?
A. ?

> > If I missed the documentation that has these questions answered, let me
> > know.
> Did you try the mailing list archive search engine?

I'm afraid I'm guilty; I didn't.  I do remember checking the list
briefly for compile problems under Red Hat or Mandrake, but I don't
remember a search engine.

Anyway, these questions seem so basic I thought there MUST be a doc
somewhere - but if there isn't there will be soon :-)

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