nanogui: Re: ^_^ meay-meay! *WINDOWS USERS, DON'T OPEN ATTACHMENT*

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] ^_^ meay-meay! *WINDOWS USERS, DON'T OPEN ATTACHMENT*
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 3 Mar 2004 12:14:21 -0000
Message-Id: <>

####@####.#### wrote:
>  Argh, i  don't  like the plaintext :)

Yes, a couple of viruses just got sent to the mailing list because they 
were sent 'From' a valid subscriber. I'm going to tighten up the 
attachment filter a bit more and am considering installing a virus 
scanner to scan everything as it comes into the server.

Note that they probably weren't really from Greg- most viruses these 
days spoof the From address.

------------ Alex Holden - ------------
If it doesn't work, you're not hitting it with a big enough hammer

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