nanogui: Got a doozy of a bug with timer events

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Subject: Got a doozy of a bug with timer events
From: tj ####@####.####
Date: 11 Jun 2004 23:20:09 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Well Greg I got another great bug for ya.

I have discovered that if you start "nano-X -p &" in a boot time startup 
script and run an app that app will not recieve any timer events from 
GrCreateTimer(). But, if "nano-X -p &" is started from command line, all 
runs fine. The app gets it timer events.

The reason I ask this is that in an "appliance type" environment, like I 
am workingon,you always nano-X and any other apps that use it from a 
boot up script. So, how to have timers in that scenareo.

Is there some trick about switching users or something before strting 
nano-X in a boot script?


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