nanogui: fonts HowTo for microwindows?

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] fonts HowTo for microwindows?
From: Steven Scholz ####@####.####
Date: 22 Jul 2004 16:31:58 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Greg Haerr wrote:

> : I am only interessted in supporting a few fonts from FLTK.
> I haven't checked exactly which fonts FLTK wants, but when I pointed
> the NXLIB Makefile at the standard X11 fonts/100dpi directory, things
> seemed to work well.

So you did not use truetype.
Just the standard .pcf.gz fonts?

I'll try that.

Steven Scholz

Previous by date: 22 Jul 2004 16:31:58 +0100 Re: Unsupported bpp: 4, Steven Scholz
Next by date: 22 Jul 2004 16:31:58 +0100 Re: No Keyboard while using FB, dale welch
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