nanogui: Unsupported bpp: 4

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Unsupported bpp: 4
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 23 Jul 2004 18:51:55 +0100
Message-Id: <1c4e01c470de$2b2cbf60$0300a8c0@RDP>

: How do I have to set SCREEN_PIXTYPE when I am using linux frame buffer and
: have an 4bpp grayscale display?


In palette mode, colors are palette indices.  8bpp or 4bpp
they're still indices, 4bpp is 0-15, 8bpp is 0-255.  The
indices are reverse-looked up in the engine/devpalX.c
tables from the application-specified RGB colors.  The
index is then sent to the linked in drivers/fblin{4,8}.c driver.



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