nanogui: Rotated fonts on microwindows?

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Rotated fonts on microwindows?
From: Steven Scholz ####@####.####
Date: 20 Aug 2004 18:27:33 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Greg Haerr wrote:

> : XCreatePixmap 320,240 depth 16
> : XCreatePixmap 60,60 depth 1
> : XCreatePixmap created with depth 1
> : XCreateImage: depth != hw_format
> The first thing to check is whether .pcf fonts work
> when NXLIB is used, non-rotated fonts.
They work just fine.

> The above just means that Xlib is requested to create
> a pixmap that isn't compatible with the hardware format
> (in this case 1bpp).
I don't understand that, sorry.
My framebuffer uses 16bpp. So who's requesting 1bpp? My (FLTK) application?

>  Microwindows doesn't support
> non-hardware format bitmaps (for codesize reasons),
> and that may be why your output isn't occuring.  (Check
> that the same routine works with other .pcf files, do
> you get the same debug output?)
I tried serveral fonts: courier, helvectica, times. In bold and italic. And 
different sizes. Everything just fine.


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