nanogui: Rotated fonts on microwindows?

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Previous in thread: 20 Aug 2004 20:07:08 +0100 Re: Rotated fonts on microwindows?, Steven Scholz
Next in thread: 20 Aug 2004 20:07:08 +0100 Re: Rotated fonts on microwindows?, Greg Haerr

Subject: Re: [nanogui] Rotated fonts on microwindows?
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 20 Aug 2004 20:07:08 +0100
Message-Id: <0b1401c486e8$e6cc4d60$0300a8c0@RDP>

: My framebuffer uses 16bpp. So who's requesting 1bpp? My (FLTK)

Yes, it seems your app is requesting it from the code you sent me:
/* create the depth 1 canvas bitmap ... */
   canvas = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, boxlen, boxlen, 1);

Microwindows doesn't always support this.  However, you're
saying that this works with non R-labeled pcf fonts?

: do
: > you get the same debug output?)
: No.
: I tried serveral fonts: courier, helvectica, times. In bold and italic.
: different sizes. Everything just fine.

So you're saying that all Microwindows isn't working with
a specific .pcf font, basically.  It's not about rotation per se,
but rather than all .pcf fonts seem to work except this HelvR.pcf

Hmmm..  I fixed some .pcf font loading problems after v0.90.
Are you running the CVS version, or 0.90?



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Next by date: 20 Aug 2004 20:07:08 +0100 Re: Rotated fonts on microwindows?, Greg Haerr
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Next in thread: 20 Aug 2004 20:07:08 +0100 Re: Rotated fonts on microwindows?, Greg Haerr

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