nanogui: Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP

Previous by date: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: config files -> config.h, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Alpha blending using Nano-X APIs, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP, Andrew Hannam

Subject: Re: [nanogui] Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100
Message-Id: <214501c56b15$02873db0$6401a8c0@winXP>

: > Is microwindows also used with compilers other than gcc ? If yes, then
: > probably no option.

We definitely don't want to require gcc to compile microwindows, IMO.
ANSI C allows greatest portability, considering we don't need an OS
in order to run it.

: There are still some borland, TC ... makefile in the source code. That's
: reason why I asked about other platform ...

Yes, the Borland, TurboC, and other MS makes are quite old, and
likely not worth keeping up, especially since I stopped worrying about
fitting the entire executable into 64K I&D ages ago.



Previous by date: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: config files -> config.h, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Alpha blending using Nano-X APIs, Greg Haerr
Previous in thread: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP, Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 7 Jun 2005 05:59:06 +0100 Re: Pending patches/bug/requests ... list available on the FTP, Andrew Hannam

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