nanogui: Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans

Previous by date: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: Microwindows - Back to Basics, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde
Previous in thread: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde
Next in thread: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde

Subject: Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000
Message-Id: <004a01bf1451$9c4d2070$>

In order to use that our project will
: need a GPL license, so I think that means dual MPL/GPL instead of
: convertible.

What's the difference between dual and convertible?

Previous by date: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: Microwindows - Back to Basics, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde
Previous in thread: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde
Next in thread: 12 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0000 Re: [linuxce-devel] Re: Microwindows plans, Bradley D. LaRonde

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