plustek: Epson releases scanner driver for 1250 and others.

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Subject: Re: Epson releases scanner driver for 1250 and others.
From: Gene Heskett ####@####.####
Date: 14 Jun 2002 01:13:27 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thursday 13 June 2002 15:26, Tom Hull wrote:
>My machine with the scanner just died (looks like the power supply
> is fried; hope that's all), so I'm having trouble researching
> this.
>It looks like you're running a newer gcc than I am (2.96). Run
> "gcc --version" to verify. The "deprecated" warnings are real
> annoying, but shouldn't break the code; but this is new, yet
> another step towards bullying folks into writing "standard" c++
> code by breaking old code that used to work.
>The link errors look like they may break down to two classes:
> 1) esmodule/ is a piece of binary code, with the
> symbol table stripped so you can't run nm on it; run strings on
> it and you'll find some mangled Focus class function names. It's
> also in the same directory as the "Focus.h" file, and there's no
> source files, just the precompiled .so. Maybe there's some change
> to the default name mangling or the linker that breaks down with
> a .so file compiled on another version?
> 2) things like __gxx_personality_v0 and some of the throw and
>    except symbols may be built-in support code, either assumed
>    by the new compiler or the old one.
>It would, of course, be much easier if Epson just released the
> source code!!!
>A couple things you should do:
>  run "make clean" to start with a clean slate; you may have a bad
>    .o file lying around which make thinks is up to date

Always do.

>  when you install something new, rm config.cache before you
> re-run configure; otherwise you get the same tired answers

I rm -f config.cache, config.log and config.status before I rerun 
./configure.  Its a habit...
>I haven't touched any gcc more recent than 2.96, but look for some
>switches to restore earlier gcc behavior. There's a way to pass
>them into configure (sorry, I forget the details) or you can hack
>them into the resulting makefiles (CFLAGS).

Something I tried to install, uhh, kde-3.0.1, refused to install 
until I'd first installed gcc-3.1, the whole kit.  Even then the 
rawhide rpms still fail.  But to install gcc-3.1 and get away with 
it, one needs to also install the compat-gcc-2.96-110 kit, libs and 
all.  In this case, the switch would be in the CC define in the 
Makefile IIRC, but I haven't tried that in the last few hours as my 
sister-in-law's man had a heart catherization 3 days back, and had 
a stroke this morning early, which from the sounds of things, might 
be ~30~ for him.  He's in his mid-70's, half a decade older than 

Thanks for the assistance, when I can get back to it, I'll be back 
with the next dumb question I'm sure...

>Gene Heskett wrote:
[and snipped]

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.99+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

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