plustek: Re: Epson 1250Photo Patches

Previous by date: 29 Jul 2002 17:00:18 -0000 Re: HP2200C Lamp goes off went I exit from Xsane, Jaeger, Gerhard
Next by date: 29 Jul 2002 17:00:18 -0000 Re: Epson 1250Photo Patches, Peter Much
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Subject: Re: Epson 1250Photo Patches
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 29 Jul 2002 17:00:18 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi Peter,

> I tried to get onto the mailinglist, but it wants me to send
> a confirmation to a nonexistent host - those guys obviousely
> haven't read RFC821/2 and do not know how to use the Envelope-
> Sender (or, precisely, how *NOT* to use it), with the result that
> UUCP-connected sites cannot participate in these lists. So,
> I will now just post to the list and see how to follow it on
> the web.
I've no influence on this list so maybe Alex can help there...

> Wow, great, thank You!
> Yes, this works now:
>  * add the Capabilities for Transparency and Negative in the
>    plustek-devs.c file for the device.
>  * "Negative" does switch the lamp correctly, "Transparency" doesn't
>    -> it is missing in usb_swichLamp()!

Can you fix this?

> ---------------------------
> But I have a much more severe problem now, where I am quite clueless
> on where to begin tuning:
> My motor tends to walk BACKWARDS some lines or some inches in the
> midst of a scan. Accordingly, the scan then contains duplicate
> parts. This happens randomly, most often at 300 dpi, and gets
> worse the warmer the machine is. Sometimes it is very difficult
> to detect, as only few scanlines are duplicate, sometimes half of
> the page is duplicated (and the other half missing). And sometimes
> the machine locks up completely while the motor hums and the
> lamp does not move.

The problem here is maybe the usb-uhci/uhci stuff try the alternative
one as this has something to do with the transfer-rates!
To tweak the motor settings like PWM and the master clock divider,
you have to wait a few days, then I will post the next version, which 
allows different settings for various DPI ranges (esp. register 56/57 -
motor control)

Until then, I appreciate your help very much

Previous by date: 29 Jul 2002 17:00:18 -0000 Re: HP2200C Lamp goes off went I exit from Xsane, Jaeger, Gerhard
Next by date: 29 Jul 2002 17:00:18 -0000 Re: Epson 1250Photo Patches, Peter Much
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