plustek: OpticPro4830P Scanner

Previous by date: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000 Re: Problems with Epson 1250, Jean-Jacques de Jong
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Next in thread: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000 Re: OpticPro4830P Scanner, Gene Heskett

Subject: OpticPro4830P Scanner
From: ####@####.####
Date: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Dear Sir,
Don't know if I'm in the right place but perhaps you can direct me.
I have a OpticPro4830P scanner. Recently my youngster accidentally deleted 
the installation program for this unit. I can no longer find my installation 
disc so I cannot use my scanner. Please help. Is there somewhere I can get a 
new CD??
Thankx for your help

Previous by date: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000 Re: Problems with Epson 1250, Jean-Jacques de Jong
Next by date: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000 A3I scan quality issues, Derrick J Brashear
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Next in thread: 23 Sep 2002 16:29:56 -0000 Re: OpticPro4830P Scanner, Gene Heskett

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