plustek: OpticPro 4831P problem

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Subject: OpticPro 4831P problem
From: Adam James Fitzpatrick ####@####.####
Date: 11 Oct 2002 18:13:32 -0000
Message-Id: <20021011181032.GA8342@wyvern.garg>


I've been trying to get this scanner to work (with the driver from
plustek-sane-0_44_3.tar.gz). I can scan at 100dpi using forceMode=1
(SPP mode), but the resulting images seem to have almost no green
component in them. When scanning something like a book with a
glossy cover, looking at just the green channel in gimp shows just
a handful of pixels lit up green.

Since by default the scanner is being detected as a 600P/6000P, I tried
mov=2 and mov=6 (since they were the only two mov values which appeared
to be checked during detection process for my scanner, if I read the
source right) but the results were worse (red/green/blue were offset
vertically from each other, and red and green were reversed)
so I guess my scanner is more like a 600P than either of those two models.

The readme says there have been successes with 4831P scanners before,
but I wonder if perhaps there's more than one version of the scanner
called 4831P. I noticed that in plustek-share.h a comment says this
model is supposed to have 128k, but the log says the driver is
detecting 32k.

I've also tested the scanner under Windows and those scans work as expected.

/dev/pt_drv/device0/info says:

Model       : 600P/6000P
Portaddress : 0x378
Portmode    : SPP (fast I/O, forced)
Buttons     : 0
Warmuptime  : 30s
Lamp timeout: 180s
mov-switch  : 0
I/O-delay   : 0
CCD-Type    : NEC/TOSHIBA Type
TPA         : no

Any suggestions?


Adam Fitzpatrick

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