plustek: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice.

Previous by date: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., Hein-Jan Leliveld
Next by date: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 Re: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., alexanderdöen
Previous in thread: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., Hein-Jan Leliveld
Next in thread: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 Re: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., alexanderdöen

Subject: Re: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice.
From: Gene Heskett ####@####.####
Date: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Tuesday 22 October 2002 10:03, Hein-Jan Leliveld wrote:
>Last week I've bought an epson 1260 photo. After compiling the cvs
>version of the backend (sane-backends-1.0.9-pre1) with the newest
>plustek driver (Version 0.44 - 10-04-2002), and the frontend
>(sane-frontends-1.0.9-pre1) everything worked like a charm. Except
> my first scanner died after a few hours of scanning. In the
> middle of a scan xsane suddenly segfaulted, and the 'on-light' on
> the scanner (the left button of the scanner has a green light
> behind it if the power cord is attached) was off. The light won't
> go on again, so it seems the scanner is pretty broken. The
> scanner-head was somewhere in the middle of the total scan-space.
>It is always possible to have bad luck with machines, so I went
> back to the shop were I bought the scanner, and without any
> problems got a new replacement epson 1260. But today the same
> thing happened to my 'new' scanner: in a middle of a scan the
> epson dies.... I think I have used the new scanner for about 1
> hour today, 3 hours yesterday and 3 hours 4 days ago.
>I always unplugged the power cord when I didn't use the scanner
> (why don't they make an on/off switch on those scanners??!)

Wall end, or scanner end? That might make a difference if you are 
unplugging the psu at the scanner.  The psu might not like being 
unloaded since they're "switchmode" psu's.

>It seems really strange to me to have the exact problem twice in a
> week with the same type and model scanner. Maybe there is some
> problem with the plustek driver? Are there any users of the epson
> 1260 photo who don't have their scanner killed within a week of
> use?
>Hein-Jan Leliveld

This really does sound as if you got a couple of "monday" scanners.  
I'd take it back again, but this time ask for one to replace it 
from the _next_ shipment.  My own Epson 1250u has been through hell 
back in the early days of the plustek backend development, but 
still seems to work just fine today.  The only quibble I'd have is 
that the plustek backend hasn't quite got the motor phasing for 
some resolutions spot on, and the motor makes more noise using the 
plustek backend than it does using the epson backend from iscan.

Whether that motor difference could cause that little inline psu to 
upchuck, I don't have any data to offer.

However, from the clues you supply, thats (the psu died) the obvious 
diagnosis.  If you could get another psu assembly, I'd bet a bottle 
of your favorite suds that the scanner itself is fine.  

FWIW, mine has never been shut off unless the whole room was shut 
down.  That *should* shorten the life of the electolytic capacitors 
in the psu, but as it only runs maybe 10 degrees(F) over room temp, 
thats not a huge effect.  Probably made up for by their being 
"under bias" full time, keeping them formed up.

Generally speaking, that particular failure mechanism only comes 
into play when the non-stop shutdown times are measured in years.  
Sort of like dry cell batteries that go stale on the shelf.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.18% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

Previous by date: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., Hein-Jan Leliveld
Next by date: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 Re: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., alexanderdöen
Previous in thread: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., Hein-Jan Leliveld
Next in thread: 22 Oct 2002 16:33:42 -0000 Re: I killed my Epson perfection 1260 photo. Twice., alexanderdöen

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