plustek: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(

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Subject: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(
From: Erik Schanze ####@####.####
Date: 26 Dec 2002 12:57:33 -0000
Message-Id: <20021226125121.GC523@pc1>


First I'd like to wish everybody here merry Christmas and a happy new

I have a scanner "Plustek OpticPro U12".

sane-find-scanner: found USB scanner (vendor = 0x07b3, product = 0x0001)
                        at device /dev/usbscanner0

Unfortunately, I had to note, my scanner is not supported by sane with
the plustek-backend.

In posting: 1475 from Aug 31, 2002 at ####@####.#### I found
Gerhard's answer to the same question as mine and he suggested there is
a possible solution by "find out, how the USB brigde works".

Is this possible, is anyone working on such solution or is it only a
theoretical possibility?
(I'm a student of computer science in the second year. Perhaps I could
help to create such driver.) 

Or should I by a other scanner insteat?



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Previous by date: 26 Dec 2002 12:57:33 -0000 Re: Canon N670U problems-questions, Jaeger, Gerhard
Next by date: 26 Dec 2002 12:57:33 -0000 My photo isn't red?! Is it?, Uri Schonfeld
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Next in thread: 26 Dec 2002 12:57:33 -0000 Re: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(, Jaeger, Gerhard

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