plustek: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(

Previous by date: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: My photo isn't red?! Is it?, Tommy Schonfeld
Next by date: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: 0.45-TEST4 and Epson 1260 Photo, Jaeger, Gerhard
Previous in thread: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(, Erik Schanze
Next in thread: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(, DanielGrün

Subject: Re: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000
Message-Id: <>


On Thursday, 26. December 2002 13:51, Erik Schanze wrote:
> Hello!
> First I'd like to wish everybody here merry Christmas and a happy new
> year.


> I have a scanner "Plustek OpticPro U12".
> sane-find-scanner: found USB scanner (vendor = 0x07b3, product = 0x0001)
>                         at device /dev/usbscanner0
> Unfortunately, I had to note, my scanner is not supported by sane with
> the plustek-backend.
> In posting: 1475 from Aug 31, 2002 at ####@####.#### I found
> Gerhard's answer to the same question as mine and he suggested there is
> a possible solution by "find out, how the USB brigde works".

That's right!

> Is this possible, is anyone working on such solution or is it only a
> theoretical possibility?
> (I'm a student of computer science in the second year. Perhaps I could
> help to create such driver.)

You're welcome to do so.

> Or should I by a other scanner insteat?

Depends on how much time you have ;-) As I said some times
ago, it should be possible to tweak the parallel port code to
use another output device. "Only" the I/O calls have to be 
made that way, that they use the bridge, also the init stuff
for such a bridge has to be done. There are other bridges
already working with SANE and I think inside is such a 
Genesys Logic bridge...

Anyway it is up to you. If you plan to buy another scanner,
you might lend me your current scanner for some tests?
If you need more information to write a driver, please ask...


Previous by date: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: My photo isn't red?! Is it?, Tommy Schonfeld
Next by date: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: 0.45-TEST4 and Epson 1260 Photo, Jaeger, Gerhard
Previous in thread: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(, Erik Schanze
Next in thread: 27 Dec 2002 09:41:12 -0000 Re: Plustek U12 (Prod.ID.0x001) :-(, DanielGrün

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