plustek: Plustek 9636t and a well known problem

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Subject: Re: Plustek 9636t and a well known problem
From: ####@####.#### (G. Jaeger)
Date: 9 Dec 2000 14:28:48 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 10:15:33 +0100, Martin Gorczakowski wrote:

>> I compiled san 1.0.3 with the 0.37 sources of the plustek dirver .
>> with make; make install; make load; the module is loaded it recognises my scanner but
>> when i do 'scanimage -L' i get no output in debug mode it`s
>> scanimage -L
>> [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of plustek to 12.
>> [plustek] sane_init: sane 1.0.3
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv0<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv0<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv1<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv1<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv2<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv2<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv0<
>> [plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv0<
>> [plustek] attach_one: >/dev/pt_drv<
>> [plustek] attach (/dev/pt_drv, (nil))
>> [plustek] drvopen()
>> [plustek] ioctl PT_DRV_OPEN_DEVICE failed(-9019)
>> [plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbffff578, 0)
>> [plustek] sane_exit
>> I have acces to the devices (pt_drv) i see it in /proc/pt_drv/
>> I have a plustek configuration   file  and also dll.conf
>> I installed sane in /usr/local/ the conf`s are in /usr/locale/etc/sane.d/
>> I have acces to the drives r/w
>> I got the devices /dev/pt_drv; 0; 1; 2; 3;
>> What to do now ?


the -9019 problem signals, that you're using incompatible
versions of the backend (the stuff you're using from SANE)
and the driver itself.
Recompile SANE and install it, then the versions should match
and you can use the SANE tools.
I introduced the versions to avoid conflicts when the ioctl interface



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