plustek: Plustek 9636T scans color/grey incorrectly

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Subject: Re: Plustek 9636T scans color/grey incorrectly
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 22 Jan 2001 15:35:28 -0000
Message-Id: <01012216421900.03967@gja>

Hi Kevin,

good to read something from you! Does this problem occur 
in 0.36 too? Or is this problem new to 0.37 where we introduced
the new IO functions?


On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, kevin wrote:
> Mark Bratcher wrote:
> > 
> > Gerhard,
> > 
> > Thanks for the prompt reply.
> > 
> > > - is there a printer attached to the scanner?
> > 
> > No
> > 
> > > - are you using version 0.37 of the driver?
> > 
> > Yes
> > 
> > > - can you send us the output of cat /proc/pt_drv/device0/info?
> > 
> > Model       : 9636T/12000T
> > Portaddress : 0x378
> > Portmode    : EPP
> > Buttons     : 0
> > Warmuptime  : 30s
> > Lamp timeout: 180s
> > mov-switch  : 0
> > I/O-delay   : 0
> > CCD-Type    : 3797
> > 
> > > - is your parallelport switched to plain EPP mode in BIOS?
> > 
> > Yes
> > 
> > Also, just fyi, my parallel cable is 4 feet long (not very long).
> > 
> > > This problem is quite strange, because the ASI98001 based models
> > > in general won't loose data.
> > 
> > I thought that was the case. I'm having trouble understanding the
> > problem. Even on the Preview the image is corrupted. If I just do
> > consecutive previews, the corruption is different each time. Sometimes I
> > get vertical cyan and magenta stripes in white areas. Sometimes white
> > areas are OK, but vertical black lines, for example, have a cyan shadow
> > or ghost.
> > 
> > Mark
> I have been having some similar problems to what you describe;
> these are recent problems with my 9636T (Mandrake 7.2, 2.2.17
> kernel, plustek driver 0.37). The problem seems to occur if I do a
> prescan first. If I do a regular scan, then a prescan, then adjust
> the parameters if necesssary and do another regular scan, it
> usually works. Could you perhaps try doing the regular scan first
> (any settings), then the prescan, then the scan you want, and see
> if that is any different.
> 	Kevin

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