plustek: problems with pt12

Previous by date: 10 Apr 2001 17:00:56 -0000 Re: problems with pt12, Michael Hanke
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Subject: Re: problems with pt12
From: Michael Hanke ####@####.####
Date: 10 Apr 2001 17:00:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Ok, problem solved, but for others who might have similiar
problems, I give my solution:

as stated in my posting, I had SPP parallel mode activated,
which I thought of as a first (slow) try. 

I switch the BIOS to ECP+EPP. Then the loading
of pt_drv failed. Switching the BIOS to EPP not just
doubled scanning speed but worked around the problems
described in my earlier posting. SPP doesn't seem to work.

Good luck
Michael                                            _o
                                                  /_[;    __/
                                                 _]/(_) _/   
PGP-Key 0x7E1231ED                        _____ (_) ___/     

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Next by date: 10 Apr 2001 17:00:56 -0000 Re: problems with pt12, Jaeger, Gerhard
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Next in thread: 10 Apr 2001 17:00:56 -0000 Re: problems with pt12, Jaeger, Gerhard

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