plustek: OP 9636T- SANE (1.0.5) Segfault

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Subject: OP 9636T- SANE (1.0.5) Segfault
From: MRZ ####@####.####
Date: 5 Oct 2001 20:09:10 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Yep - me again. ;)
I've purged my previous SANE install (totally and completely!) and compiled and installed SANE 1.0.5. 
Unfortunately I seem to be having a few problems; the really big problem is one which I'd swear having seen as
 something of a known issue - SANE segfaults and requires  that the system be rebooted.

This affects me severely because it happens often and in my case seems to be reproducible just by using "scanimage -T".
I've enabled debugging and have included all pertinent output below.
Obviously I'd prefer a solution but since it IS a known issue I'll take that to mean
 a solution hasn't been determined or the cause is still unidentified.
Is there anything specific I can do to help resolve this?


_____________________________output follows:__________________

mustang@mustang:~$ cat /proc/pt_drv/info
Plustek Flatbed Scanner Driver version 0.39-8
Devices      : 1
IOCTL-Version: 0x00000101

mustang@mustang:~$ scanimage -L
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of plustek to 12.
[plustek] sane_init: sane-backends 1.0.5
[plustek] sane_init, ># Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file<
[plustek] sane_init, >#<
[plustek] sane_init, ># for multiple devices use<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv0<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv1<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv2<
[plustek] sane_init, >#<
[plustek] sane_init, ><
[plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
[plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
[plustek] attach (/dev/pt_drv, , 0, (nil))
[plustek] drvopen()
[plustek] Scanner information:
[plustek] Model  : 9636T/12000T
[plustek] Asic   : 0x81
[plustek] Flags  : 0x00000086
[plustek] Version: 0x00000027
[plustek] drvclose()
[plustek] attach: model = >9636T/12000T<
[plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbffff4f0, 0)
device `plustek:/dev/pt_drv' is a Plustek 9636T/12000T parallel port flatbed sca
[plustek] sane_exit

mustang@mustang:~$ scanimage -T
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of plustek to 12.
[plustek] sane_init: sane-backends 1.0.5
[plustek] sane_init, ># Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file<
[plustek] sane_init, >#<
[plustek] sane_init, ># for multiple devices use<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv0<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv1<
[plustek] sane_init, ># /dev/pt_drv2<
[plustek] sane_init, >#<
[plustek] sane_init, ><
[plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
[plustek] sane_init, >/dev/pt_drv<
[plustek] attach (/dev/pt_drv, , 0, (nil))
[plustek] drvopen()
[plustek] Scanner information:
[plustek] Model  : 9636T/12000T
[plustek] Asic   : 0x81
[plustek] Flags  : 0x00000086
[plustek] Version: 0x00000027
[plustek] drvclose()
[plustek] attach: model = >9636T/12000T<
[plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbffff4f0, 0)
[plustek] sane_open - /dev/pt_drv
[plustek] sane_start
[plustek] drvopen()
[plustek] cx = 900, cy =900
[plustek] cx = 900, cy =900
[plustek] bright 0 contrast 0
[plustek] dwflag = 0xc00 dwBytesPerLine = 744, dwLinesPerScan = 150
[plustek] TIME START
[plustek] [plustek] reader process...
[plustek] reader_process started
[plustek] reader_process:starting to READ data (111600 bytes)
[plustek] buf = 0x0805d3f0
sane_start done
scanimage: scanning image of size 248x150 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame, 8 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 744 bytes...   [plustek] sending 111600 bytes t
o parent
scanimage: reading one byte...          PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 16 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 32 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 64 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 128 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 256 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 512 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1024 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1023 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 511 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 255 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 127 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 63 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 31 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 15 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 7 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 3 bytes...     PASS
[plustek] sane_cancel
[plustek] do_cancel
[plustek] killing reader_process
[plustek] reader_process: terminated by signal 15
[plustek] Child is down (signal=17)
[plustek] reader_process killed
[plustek] drvclose()
[plustek] TIME END 1: 6s
Segmentation fault

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Next by date: 5 Oct 2001 20:09:10 -0000 Re: OP 9636T- SANE (1.0.5) Segfault, Jaeger, Gerhard
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