plustek: Optic Pro 4800

Previous by date: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000 Re: Loading problem, Jaeger, Gerhard
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Subject: Re: Optic Pro 4800
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000
Message-Id: <00072717474000.26097@dagobert>

On Mit, 26 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> hello gerhard,
> thanks for all your hard work writing this excellent driver. i 
> downloaded your latest release. on my suse 6.3 (kernel 2.2.13) the building and 
> the installation was not a problem. the scanner works well. my only 
> problem are inverted colors. i saw in a former mail, that someone reported 
> this bug to you. is there a solution or a bugfix till now? 
> thanks for your help,
> holger
The solution is the next build....

For those of you who won't wait:
- Open the file backend/plustek.c
- Search for SCANDEF_Inverse
- Uncomment this line
- Recompile and install the backend

That's all

Previous by date: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000 Re: Loading problem, Jaeger, Gerhard
Next by date: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000 OpticPro 12000T, G. Jaeger
Previous in thread: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000 Optic Pro 4800,
Next in thread: 27 Jul 2000 15:46:26 -0000 optic pro 4800, Richard

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