plustek: USB-scanner...

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Subject: Re: USB-scanner...
From: Kyrian ####@####.####
Date: 10 Dec 2001 20:04:23 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Michael, Gerhard, et al,

> I still get a system freeze on linux-2.4.16. Unlike with earlier versions not
>  when starting with scanning but already when starting xscanimage.
I see this too.

Curiously though 0_40_10 made the light on my UT12 go on, and then cause a
system hang.

0_40_11 doesn't even seem to make the light go on before hanging.

Noteworthy perhaps as well is that when using the device /dev/usbscanner I get a
system hang, and when using /dev/usb/scanner0 (both devices are configured the
same, as both device files, and in /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf) I only get
scanimage segfaulting on me. I don't know if this is of consequence, so ignore
it if it isn't useful ;-)

I've never done a kernel debug/trace thing before. If someone can point me at
the right resources, I'll give it a go to see if I can help. It might be, errr,
"fun", or something ;-)

> On linux-2.2.20 now all problems I reported seem to be gone, great!
> I get the impression, that the light switches a bit more often on and off and
> moves a bit more forwards and backwards than really necessary, but that
> doesn't have an impact on the scanned image of course.
I'll try this later to see if I can duplicate it (on a different machine,
though... I have just ext3'd all my filesystems on my main linux box here... as
well as having other reasons for staying up to date kernel-wise)



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