plustek: USB-scanner...

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Subject: Re: USB-scanner...
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 11 Dec 2001 19:14:02 -0000
Message-Id: <01121120092902.00612@ruebennase>


On Monday, 10. December 2001 21:03, Kyrian wrote:
> Michael, Gerhard, et al,
> > I still get a system freeze on linux-2.4.16. Unlike with earlier versions
> > not when starting with scanning but already when starting xscanimage.
> I see this too.
> Curiously though 0_40_10 made the light on my UT12 go on, and then cause a
> system hang.
> 0_40_11 doesn't even seem to make the light go on before hanging.
> Noteworthy perhaps as well is that when using the device /dev/usbscanner I
> get a system hang, and when using /dev/usb/scanner0 (both devices are
> configured the same, as both device files, and in /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf)
> I only get scanimage segfaulting on me. I don't know if this is of
> consequence, so ignore it if it isn't useful ;-)

every hint is useful! Althoug it doesn't make sense. It seems, that the USB 
stuff is somehow buggy, especially on ATHLON/Via Mobos. I've also a problem 
with segfaults and strange kernel messages. If possible use the 2.2.10/20 
kernel - well I even have an 2.4.12 up and running on my Thinkpad, it's hard
to say exactly which combination works and which not...

To pin down the segfault, I suggest to enable the SANE debug output:
Then it's possible to see in which part of the code the driver segfaults.
I case of an segfault, you can also have a look at the output of 
If there's noting special, the USB stuff seems to be okay, but in most
cases there are some stange usb messages....


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