plustek: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)

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Subject: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)
From: Reinhard Max ####@####.####
Date: 20 Dec 2001 17:00:52 -0000
Message-Id: <>


the lamp on my Perfection just turned on for the first time :)))))

After checking the LM9832 manual and comparing with the source code, I
was sure, that the light should be on theoretically, but it still kept
dark. Then I started wild guessing that Epson might (ab)use one of the
misc i/o lines to gate the lamp. So I configured all misc lines as
outputs and set them to 1 in plustek-devs.c, and the lamp lighted up!

I still have to figure out which of the lines it is, and I still
haven't tested scanning.

Stay tuned....


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Next by date: 20 Dec 2001 17:00:52 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
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