plustek: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)

Previous by date: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next by date: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
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Subject: Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)
From: Reinhard Max ####@####.####
Date: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 at 12:29, Jaeger, Gerhard wrote:

> well first of all - are you on the Plustek list?


> If so, there's no need to cc the mails to each other,

Right, but that would be easier, if the list would set a Reply-To
header that points to itself. Is it possible for the list maintainer
(is that you, Gerhard?) to configure the list that way, or does not support Reply-To headers?

> I think this all can be done in the code, where the register 0x29
> is set or in the lamp functions. It should be easy to extend the
> code that way...

That was my thought, too.

> What I can't understand is, that the images are completely black.
> Maybe there's something out of sync...

I'll have a look into the other SANE backend which has rudimentary
support for the Epson 1250 (HP scanjet 2200)....

> Back to the misc I/O 5.
> If you have a closer look to the doc, you can see, that this
> register defaults to an output - great. By using this output
> to toggle the lamp, you should write an 0x19 to turn the lamp
> on and a 0x11 to switch the lamp of...
> To write an 0x9b makes no sense, as the bits 1 and 2 have
> no influence on the register if configured as output. The 9
> should also not affect the light - except it also has something
> to do with that...

Sorry, that's my fault. I mixed the high and low halfbyte of Register
5B. So the lamp is controlled by misc I/O 6 which can be set by the
higher half of 5B. 

> BTW: Reinhard, what's your job at SuSE?

I'm in the development departmend, and my main job is maintaining
packages (e.g. Tcl/Tk and PostgreSQL).

My participation here is more of private nature, although I also spent
some working hours on investigation.


Previous by date: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next by date: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Previous in thread: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next in thread: 22 Dec 2001 09:58:49 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max

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