plustek: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)

Previous by date: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
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Previous in thread: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next in thread: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Gene Heskett

Subject: Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)
From: Reinhard Max ####@####.####
Date: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 at 21:43, Gene Heskett wrote:

> I haven't gotten the noise lines here, I'm all black, when doing 
> a preview,

Try scanning with brightness >= 10, and 100dpi. I got a grey
background with some coloured noise pixels then. When you scan with
default brightness, the noise lines are so dark, that they can't be
distinguished from black, but you can see them when you make an ASCII
dump of the image using 'pnmnoraw'.

> and either can't open device nil. or out of memory when I try a
> real scan instead of a preview,

The 2.4 kernels (especially 2.4.10, AFAIK) until 2.4.16 had some
problems with the virtual memory engine. There should appear an
official update to 2.4.16 for recent versions of SuSE Linux these
days. You could try if that fixes your memory problems. It should also
work on other distributions.

> I hope so too, its been so real around here I've not had more 
> than an hour or so to play with it most evenings.  I'd sent some 
> email to epson support inquiring about an updated Software 
> Development Guide, but as usual, no answer.

Maybe they are also burried in end-of-year-business, and don't
currently have the time to answer such requersts.

> Would it be better to get in/on plustek's own development list?  
> Assuming there is such a thing...

Plustek probably won't be of much help to get the Epson scanner
working, because the only common thing is, that both manufacturers
build scanners around the same chip from National Semiconductors.

I think only Epson themselves can tell us the details and specialities
about their implementation. If they don't, we'll have to guess or

Hopefully I can spend some more time on hacking this afternoon.... I
am planning to have a look into the other SANE backend that has
rudimentary support for Epson 1250 (HP Scanjet 2200), and see if I can
learn something from there.


Previous by date: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next by date: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 insmod problem, Thomas Mandl
Previous in thread: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next in thread: 22 Dec 2001 10:23:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Gene Heskett

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