plustek: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)

Previous by date: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next by date: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 can't get scanner working, David McGlone
Previous in thread: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next in thread: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max

Subject: Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)
From: Gene Heskett ####@####.####
Date: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Sunday 23 December 2001 07:27 pm, Reinhard Max wrote:
>On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 at 16:54, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Somebody running a ps2 mouse could probably clean house on a
>> lockup without a reboot, but thats what I get here and I
>> *_love_* this usb optical mouse.  :-)
>I also had one or two USB lockups on my home machine (2.4.10),
> but I didn't need to reboot. Switching over to a text console
> and restarting the USB subsystem was sufficient. Even the X
> session survived it.
Since its 2.4.17, and usb is compiled in, how do I go about a 

>I'll be offline for two days or so.

I should be, but so far its a bit boring when theres just the 2 
of you and we've about worn it out in past years. :-)

>Merry Christmas and greetings from Nuremberg,

And to you and yours, and everyone else on this list from Gene, 
in Weston, West Virginia, USA!

Funny, I also have a message from the mailer daemon at 
####@####.#### advising me it was bouncing the mail due 
to no known users.   But you got this message thru the list as 
thats the only place I sent it.  Odd...
Cheers, Gene

Previous by date: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next by date: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 can't get scanner working, David McGlone
Previous in thread: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max
Next in thread: 24 Dec 2001 00:59:56 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Reinhard Max

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