plustek: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)

Previous by date: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000 Re: can't get scanner working, Gene Heskett
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Previous in thread: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Gene Heskett
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Subject: Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250)
From: Reinhard Max ####@####.####
Date: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000
Message-Id: <>


On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 at 19:47, Gene Heskett wrote:

> >I also had one or two USB lockups on my home machine (2.4.10),
> > but I didn't need to reboot. Switching over to a text console
> > and restarting the USB subsystem was sufficient. Even the X
> > session survived it.
> Since its 2.4.17, and usb is compiled in, how do I go about a
> restart?

I think you need to have the USB stuff as modules to be able to
> Funny, I also have a message from the mailer daemon at
> ####@####.#### advising me it was bouncing the mail due
> to no known users.  But you got this message thru the list as
> thats the only place I sent it.  Odd...

Maybe the address of one or more subscribers of the list dissappeared,
so the list software can't deliver your mails to them and you get the
bounce message.


Previous by date: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000 Re: can't get scanner working, Gene Heskett
Next by date: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000 Re: can't get scanner working, Jaeger, Gerhard
Previous in thread: 24 Dec 2001 11:50:06 -0000 Re: It's alive! (was: Re: Epson 1250), Gene Heskett
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