gnupic: Thread: RPM for gpsim-0.20.9b

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Subject: RPM for gpsim-0.20.9b
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 27 Jul 2001 02:12:48 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I finally figured it out (again). (Craig, your gpasm template came in
handy.) :

You'll also need thr rpms for eXdbm and gtkextra:

Note, I built the rpm against gtk+extra 0.99.14. So if you install
0.99.15, then you'll need to force gpsim:

rpm -i --nodeps gpsim-0.20.9b-1.i386.rpm

Now that I have Craig's template for creating RPM's I'll make it a
regular habit of placing both the tar balls and RPM's on the web page
when new releases are made.


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