gnupic: Thread: gpasm-0.9.8

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Subject: gpasm-0.9.8
From: Craig Franklin ####@####.####
Date: 18 Jul 2001 00:37:02 -0000
Message-Id: <>

gpasm-0.9.8 has been released.  It is available at:


News is available at:

1. Macros and While loops are now expanded in the listing file.
Macro expansion can be disabled using "list e=OFF" in the 
source code or "-e OFF" as a gpasm argument.  While loops 
are always expanded.    

2. Macros and While loops are also expanded in the COD file.
Now when you step through the source code in gpsim, the file
viewer will jump to the macro or while loop definition.

3.  New Processors added:

     16c745, 16c765

4.  Some users require dos style new lines (CRLF) in hex files
for device programmers.  gpasm will generate these by selecting
-n or --dos. 

5. The -Wall and -pedantic flags were added to gcc on linux
systems.  All warnings generated from this change were

6. Various configuration problems were fixed that caused "make
distcheck" to fail.

7. getopt_long() has been added to gpvo.

8. A Makefile for generating rpms has been added.  See the
README in the rpm subdirectory for details.

9. BUG #433291. During macro innvocation, the list linetype was
set to the value of the line before endm in the definition. 
This could result in a bad label error, if that line was a non
code generating directive.  The linetype is now "none" during
expansion or "insn" during nonexpansion.
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