gnupic: Thread: gpsim - New GUI Source Browser

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Subject: gpsim - New GUI Source Browser
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 27 Feb 2006 19:41:12 +0000
Message-Id: <>

I rewrote gpsim's source browser to take advantage of the newer API 
offered by gtk+-2.X. The reasons for this are two-fold: 1) I've been 
wanting to simplify the source browser code for a long time, 2) The 
deprecated gtk+-1.X API is truly broken in gtk+-2.8.11 and later, making 
gpsim unusable. If you want to experiment with this new code, then check 
out the code from CVS and uncomment the line in gui/gui_processor.h line 25:


These changes have been tested for gtk+-2.6 and gtk+-2.8.


The new version of the browser does have a slightly different look. For 
example, indicators for the current program counter and breakpoints have 
been changed (and are likely to change again). In the previous version, 
pixmaps were used to indicated this information, while in the newer 
version background highlighting is used. Also, this version shows line 
numbers and opcodes along with the source. Here's a screen shot from the 
gtk+-2.6 build:

All of the keyboard hotkeys are still the same, however new ones have 
been added. The old keys were: 's' - step, 'o' - step over, 'r' - run, 
'f' - finish (i.e. run until return) and '<ESC>' to halt. The new keys 
are the numbers 1 through 9 and 'b'. Pressing a number key will single 
step the simulation for this many instruction cycles. Pressing 'b' will 
toggle an execution breakpoint at the line under the cursor.

A couple of bugs have been fixed in this new version. First, in the 
previous browser it wasn't possible to set a breakpoint at the very last 
instruction in a file. (Actually, this fix applies to both browsers). 
Next, it wasn't possible to scroll the old source browser unless the 
cursor was placed on the scroll bar. Finally, there was an issue where 
the breakpoint indicators and the source code would get misaligned.

Near term plans:

For the near term I'd like the gpsim early adopters to try this new code 
and tell me everything that's wrong or what should be improved. That 
shouldn't be too hard because I can see several problems already. Here 
are some things I'll be working on:

   -- User interacting:

This new code leverages off the powerful text processing provided by 
GTK. At the moment I'm only scratching the surface of the capabilities. 
For example, as code is read from a source file and parsed into the 
syntax highlighted version you see in the source browser window, there 
are tags (actually 'GtkTextTags') embedded in the text. At the moment 
these tags are only used to change the text colors or background. 
However, I have the code set up such that when you move the mouse or 
cursor over one of these tags, gpsim knows about it. So for example, it 
should be possible to know when the mouse is hovering over a variable 
and to then

   -- Current PC and breakpoints

I'm going to continue making improvements. For example, I don't like the 
way the PC and breakpoints are shown. I like the way the older version 
indicated these. I'll gladly take any suggestions!

   -- Preferences and configuration

I have created a dialog for configuring the source browser. However in 
this latest version it's been temporarily disabled. I'm going to go back 
and re-enable it.

   -- Line numbers and opcodes

Some people don't care to clutter their screen with line numbers and 
opcodes (like me). So I plan to make this something that can be 
selectively enabled. (Note this will require that the Current PC and 
breakpoint indication problem be solved).

   -- List file

The list file is currently not shown in the browser. I think it should be.

   -- Opcode viewer/disassembler

Remove these and add a new view in the source browser for a disassembler.

   -- High-level source

I'd like to re-introduce high level source code browsing (i.e. C and 
JAL). It's possible to also intersperse assembly with the source.

Once these changes settle I'll make a new major release.

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